The domain you are looking for .com .org .net .art . shop .store .co .online and many more…
If you can’t find it, we’ll look for it for you!
from: $ 19.37 / Yearly
ID Protect: $9 / Yearly

Claim Your Domain
.com $19.37/yr
.net $23.11/yr
.org $23.09/yr
.art $22.62/yr
.store $62.41/yr
.shop $49.42/yr
.xyz $19.53/yr
.co $36.91/yr
.biz $27.88/yr
.online $42.22/yr
.world $42.21/yr
.live $33.19/yr
Do you have any doubts? Contact us!
WHOIS Domain Privacy
What you get
- Online Identity Theft Protection
- Reduction of domain-related scams and spam
- Full control over your information
Without ID Protect, your data is completely exposed
- Your full name
- Your business name
- Your mailing address
- Your Phone: (425) 555-5555
- Your email address
ID Protect protects your data from thieves and fraudsters
- Whois Agent
- Whois, Inc. Privacy Protection Service
- P.O. Box 639
- Kirkland, WA 98083
- +1425.274.0657
Why You Need ID Protect
We know you want your information to be private and protected. That said, as your domain registrar, international standards require Enom to collect various personal data and store it in a public file called a WHOIS record. Include his name and contact information (but NOT financial information). To see what type of information is stored, go to our WHOIS lookup tool and enter any domain, such as
Even if you don’t mind this type of information being public, anyone, including mail-order, email, and telephone marketers, can use WHOIS records to bother domain registrants with unwanted requests. Fortunately, Enom offers identification protection to protect your personal information from prying eyes.
How does ID Protect work?
When your domain is covered by ID Protect, we replace the personally identifiable information in your Whois record with generic Enom contact information. No third-party marketers will be able to see your information, so you will not receive spam or phone calls directly to you as a result of the information we collect.
ID Protect must be added to each domain you register. While many top-level domains support ID Protect, not all do. When you go to verify a domain, add ID Protect to the domain and we’ll let you know if that domain is eligible for the service. You can also add ID Protect to domains you’ve already registered. See frequently asked questions
Don’t risk unwanted attention. Protect your personal information by adding ID Protect to your domain today.
Our features
Enjoy optimal service and support with ArrietaHosting
In your account you can manage all the functions necessary for the correct functioning of your website, PHP Versions, Script Installer, Custom BackUps and much more…

Activation Time
Once your payment is confirmed, your hosting will be activated within a period between 15 minutes and 24 hours.
Control Panel
With each plan you will be able to control and manage your hosting allowing you to have full control over your account using cPanel
Each client receives the full value of the bandwidth allocated to keep their website running at high speeds.

It includes Softaculous, which has more than 350 scripts in the categories: CMS, E-commerce, Blogging, Chats, Surveys, Email Applications, among others.
Our servers support PHP version 5.6, 7.0, 7.1 and 7.2 with OPCache and PHP-FPM along with MySql 5.6 or MariaDB 10.x.
Statistics Panel
You can view the statistics of your website whenever you want and thus incorporate this information into your advertising system.
24/7/365 Support
Support through different means to guarantee the solution of your problem if it were to occur

99.9% Uptime Guaranteed
Our servers will always be active, guaranteeing that your site is active 99.9% of the estimated time without downtime.
We offer 2 weekly backups of your entire account in case of failure or mishandling
Providing you with reliable uploads, downloads and backups
We give you the statistics you need to optimize the user experience
We make security and privacy one of our top priorities
Our services
High performance, Speed,
Backup and Security.

Uptime Guarantee
Our Services have a guaranteed 99.9% uptime, so that the service is online for as long as possible.
We have achieved this result by using reliable server hardware and premium network components.
Additionally, in our data center we deployed a custom-built, vendor-neutral internal network, installing custom server monitoring software with live alerts configured to be sent in the event of a potential outage.

Secure backups
JetBackup is a backup manager associated with cPanel, it allows users to manage the backup copies generated in their account in order to restore them when they see fit, after a failure or loss of data.
At ArrietaHosting we have chosen to integrate JetBackup into our main Web Hosting plans, considering it to be one of the best options to manage and back up our clients’ data.
With JetBackup you can restore almost everything, from your entire directory, emails to Databases, SSL Certificates among others.

Safe and secure
All our web hosting accounts come with 2 completely free automated backups. This is possible thanks to the leading JetBackup software.
JetBackup is used by providers worldwide and currently protects over 250,000 servers!
JetBackup can be accessed directly in cPanel, giving you instant and easy access to your website’s file and database backups.
We will be able to recover your data in case of any problem or incident on your website by maintaining 2 weekly copies of your data in our Data Center

Dedicated support
We have a support staff that will help you in each of the stages if any type of problem occurs in your Web Hosting service.
Through Online Chat, Ticket System and Via Telephone we will be able to attend to your requirements.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why choose Arrieta Hosting?
We offer the best services, security, trust and personalized treatment.
We provide fast, quality customer service, which is why we respond to 80% of queries in less than 1 hour. Plus, our servers are super stable and we offer a 30-day money-back guarantee.
What is a Domain?
The domain is the unique and exclusive name given to your website on the Internet so that a user can find you. For example:, and are domain names.
ArrietaHosting Register Domains?
Yes, we register many domain extensions, such as .com, .net, .org, .info, .biz, .co, .ws, .online, .club, .guru, .la, .lat, .today, .mobi , .reviews, .us and .es. among many others…
How can I pay for this service?
We offer different payment methods for your convenience:
Directly through:
Direct Bank Transfer or Mobile Payment in Venezuela
Or through the platforms or Apps:
How does the Registry Work?
Once you select the domain name you want to register, its availability or not will appear.
If available, you can proceed to register from our systems where you will be asked to create an account with a username and password where the payment methods and procedures will be shown.
Once your payment is approved, registration will take from 15 minutes to 24 hours while it is processed.
It generally does not take more than 3 hours to complete the registration, this time varies depending on your payment method.
Why should I protect my domain?
In some cases, the privacy of the data that must be provided for the registration of a domain when it is public can be used for spam among others and depending on your need, you can protect that information.
In the event that you wish to protect the information, data will appear in the name of ArrietaHosting or affiliates but not those that you have provided for the domain registration. These data will only be used to contact you from ArrietaHosting for contract renewal or extension; or in case of any violation that ICANN the entity in charge may find